Kaushal Kishor Tej Pratap Snatak Mahavidyalaya offers a vibrant learning ground for young aspirants who wants to make a mark in the field of education.
Kaushal Kishor Tej Pratap Snatak Mahavidyalaya, Bagapar, Maharajganj offering B.A. from DDU (Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University)
We organise Cultural Activity programs, Sports competitions, Dance Competition, In-Door games.
About us
We have seen there is a tremendous store of knowledge which has been created in the short spell of perhaps a few thousand years. Training good quality education to the students is a service to the nation.
Life treats all of us in a good and a bad manner. We mustn't give up if something bad happens with us because there is a famous saying "Failure is the pillar of Success". You will only achieve it, if you
Kaushal Kishor Tej Pratap Snatak Mahavidyalaya offers a vibrant learning ground for young aspirants who wants to make a mark in the field of education. We act as a bridge to help students cross over to